Preparation of development materials of exterior and interior electric power supply projects
Obtainment of technical specifications
Obtainment of initial design data
Development and approval of electric power supply projects
Obtainment of project decision
Design planning and reconstruction of facilities
Design planning of lighting protection and grounding systems
Design planning of electric lighting
Design planning electric power supply systems for process equipment
Development of terms of reference and implementation project of LEDAP (ACEMS)

Design planning of electric power supply
“Ukrainian Electric Systems” is the company that specializes in the design planning and construction of exterior and interior electric networks for industrial facilities and individuals on a national basis. We develop and coordinate the electric power supply projects at all stages:
- Pre-project introduction of an industrial facility into centralized utility systems.
- Development and approval of documents showing the erection scheme of facilities with their subsequent connection to utility systems.
- Approval of document package by the relevant authorities.
Electric power supply project
A successfully functioning network is based on an electric power supply project. This is about a safe and efficient wiring diagram, designed prior to makeshift repairs. A professionally done electric power supply project makes it possible to save money, achieve reliable and high-quality wiring installation on the territory of the facility under construction. The schematic diagram of the entire electric network is displayed in the electric power supply project. The document is based on the design planning of the facility and includes the
transformer substations, cable transmission lines and even sockets.
The electric power supply of the facility can be designed both for the power transmission system as a whole and for separate energy access points. The development of electric power supply project is the prerogative of qualified specialists; things of this kind cannot be trusted to amateurs. Expenses on the electrical fitting works depend on the quality of the design planning. One should not forget about the comfortable operation of the electric lines for the long run.

How to design an electricity in private houses and apartments
The diagram is developed at the initial stage of the overhaul, after which design solutions and an arrangement plan of furniture in room are thought out.
Due to such approach an owner will be able to avoid hiding the sockets with interior elements. The design planning of the electric power supply will allow to skillfully calculate the load, subject to the involved capacities:
- air-conditioning systems;
- household appliances;
- auxiliary electrical appliances;
- “Smart house” complexes.
If an electric heating is used, one cannot also do without the development and approval of the electric power supply project. Video surveillance and security systems should be included in the documentation. All mentioned components create the network load.
Electric power supply projects of offices and commercial premises
The main parameter is the quantity of electrical appliances, which are required for a successful operation of any sales commissary unit.
A good lighting is required for any store, and an office equipment is dominated in an office space. These nuances should be considered when distributing the system load. The right location for electric power supply points should be selected.
Design planning of industrial electric power supply
For industrial enterprises, it is much more difficult to develop electric power supply projects than for offices or apartments. The plant consumes the electricity in huge quantities, and this is done on a constant basis.
The current power parameter is in first place – if it turns out to be insufficient, a smooth-running operation of all equipment will be impossible to provide. Increased loads, which are exceeding the rated powers, can damage the wiring. A separate
item is the design planning of an emergency electric power supply.
Obtainment of technical specifications for electricity
TS (technical specifications for electric power supply) is an important element in the design planning of the electric networks. Obtainment of this document is an indispensable prerequisite; it will be impossible to connect to the common utility system without it. This document is essential to private houses, organizations and industrial facilities.
Technical specifications for electric power supply are a set of requirements for the connected facilities. If you intend to integrate into a single electric network or increase the declared power capacity, you cannot do without obtaining the technical specifications for electric power supply.
Acquiring the required document on your own will not be any particular problem, but if you do not want to expend time in going through authorities, we recommend to use the services of our company.
Lightning protection and grounding
To connect phase and zero is the standard for the normal operation of incoming power supply utilities. The only thing is that an unauthorized connection can be a danger to your neighbors. In order to avoid emergency situations, it is necessary to install lightning protection and grounding systems. Devices of this kind are divided into five categories:
- TT;
- TN-C;
- TN-S;
- TN-C-S.
Any of the listed systems is suitable for private houses and city apartments. There are also construction differences regulated by PUE – they depend on the characteristics of electric equipment and premises. In new residential complexes, grounding systems are installed in a mandatory manner. A model is selected while designing. There is no perfect system – each has its advantages and disadvantages. Before buying, you should consult with specialists, because it is impossible to make the correct calculation of protective grounding and to build the desired grounding loop, which includes horizontal and vertical conductors, without knowledge and experience.
“Ukrainian Electric Systems” offers the full-service range for design works, including the development of electric power supply project, obtainment of technical specifications for electric power supply as well as professional grounding calculation. The company also provides the electric fitting works, construction of residential and public buildings.
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